Hi, I'm

Gem Lee

Welcome to Creating Gem Space, home to "The Sun Lappers Project"

I'm Gem Lee and I've spent my life collecting wisdom and guidance from those that have come before me. If knowledge gathering was a sport, I'd be a 5x world champion! I would spend hours, days, weeks and months diving down rabbit hole after rabbit hole insatiably consuming everything I could find on my latest fact finding obsession.

The last few years have sent me on a path of introspection and I started to discover who I really am and what I am meant to do with this experience I'm having here on this beautiful earth we share.

Enter The Sun Lappers Project. This came to me in the shower one morning while I was contemplating how to share the little golden nuggets I'd gathered over the years but weave them into active action. The rush of excitement I felt when I realised this was it. This was the project I was meant to do. The project I am meant to share with other like minded people and work to inspire them onto their own transformational journey.

The premise? 365 daily focus tasks, 12 major experiences and multiple mini challenges through the year all designed to transform emotional strength, physical strength, mental wellness, spirituality and business success. 

Join me, watch me, laugh with me. This is going to be a bumpy ride but oh so worth it.

Yours truly,
Gem Lee

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